My Best Way To Clean Dog Paws

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When it comes to keeping your dog’s paws healthy and clean, you need to go beyond the basic nail trim and quick wipe. By reading this guide you will learn the best way to clean your dog’s paws. This will help him/her avoid serious issues such as cracked pads, allergic reactions, and other lasting health issues.
dog sitting next to cleaning accessories
It is important to remember that cleaning your dog’s paws keeps them healthier, and keeps your home cleaner. Dirty dog paws can also destroy your personal belongings, leave bad odors and may even tear and stain your carpet. When you keep them clean, you will not have to spend additional time cleaning all over your home.

How to Clean Dog Paws Easy, Properly and Effectively

labrador dog with muddy pawsSo let’s dive into business. How exactly do we clean our dog’s paws? The first thing you need to understand is that you do not have to thoroughly clean them daily. A simple wiping when they go out usually will suffice. However, coming up with a cleaning routine will help you remember to do it.

The first order of business when keeping paws clean is regularly wiping their paws. Wiping your dog’s paws after walking him/her outside is very important. This is because paws soak up all sorts of dirty and unhealthy things from the outdoors (think about it, they’re walking around barefoot!). What makes it very dangerous is that dogs frequently ingest dangerous things when they lick their paws, which can lead to serious problems.

Next up is to give them a good weekly clean. To clean your dog’s paws, you simply need to use apple cider vinegar, lukewarm water, and some soft towels to dry their pads. Last but certainly not least, remember to choose and apply a good dog paw balm after each clean. A dog paw balm is essential in helping to protect, soothe, and heal dry and cracked paws.

Don’t Forget to Trim Paw Hair

Many dog owners are unsure of whether or not to trim their dog’s paw hair. Trimming pet hair can reduce the amount of dirt that your four-legged friend brings into your house. It will also make it easier for you to check for burrs and ticks. Paw hair, on the other side, protects the paw pads from harsh elements. Whether to trim your dog’s paw hair, therefore, will depend on your individual lifestyle.

Make Sure to Check for Cracked Pads

Your dog’s paws can freeze, suffer burns, scrape, and even puncture when they are out and about. Walking on cement, tar and asphalt are not good for your pup’s feet. Damaged or cracked pads can easily cause secondary infections. Some of the things that can lead to cracked pads include temperature changes, running on rough surfaces, and certain physical and medical problems.

Therefore, you need to know how to clean cracked paws. The first step you need to take is to take your dog to the vet. A veterinarian will be able to determine whether there is an underlying medical problem. If there is no medical issue, you need to keep monitoring the condition of your dog’s paws. Ensure they are not bleeding or cover them with dog booties. You also need to change your daily dog-walking routine. We suggest finding a terrain that is softer and cooler for their paws.

Nowadays, there is a wide variety of dog balms (for example my HappiestDog paw and nose balm for dogs) which offer protection for dog paws. If you choose to use a dog balm, ensure it is water-resistant and breathable. Breathable dog paw protection products come from organic sources, such as lanolin, beeswax, or Shea butter. Inorganic products, on the other hand, are petroleum distillates, which can clog the skin’s surface. Remember, dog’s love to lick their paws; therefore, anything you put on their paws will go into their mouths and bodies.

Minor Cleanups

If your puppy’s paws are not too dirty, a wet towel or wipe will do just fine. Just remember that many wipes and towels that humans use contain chemicals that are harmful to pets. For a cost-effective and no-frills cleaning approach, use a washcloth or paper towel soaked in warm water.

Thorough Cleaning

If there is debris or mud stuck between the paw pads, you will need to thoroughly wash the foot. It is easy to use a sprayer and do it in a sink or in the bathtub. If your dog has lots of fur or hair on his/her ankles and feet, you may have to use a dog shampoo to scrub the dirty areas. Afterward, completely rinse away the debris and shampoo using lukewarm water.

Clean Around the Toes and Nails

Always remember the nails and pads when cleaning your dog’s paws, especially in winter. You do not want him/her to lick his/her paws after exposure to ice melting products such as antifreeze and salt. If your dog licks salt or ice water off his/her paws, it can lead to irritation, ulceration, and even gastrointestinal issues.

To clean your dog’s nails and toes, gently turn his/her paws towards you and wash between the pads. To clean thoroughly, it is important to separate its claws and wipe them with a dry towel. The last thing you want is to risk your dog slipping if his/her paws are wet.

A Bath

If you really want to get your puppy’s paws clean, nothing works better than a bath. You do not need to completely soak him/her. You simply need to ensure that his/her paws are thoroughly clean.

When and How Often You Should Clean Them?

The ASPCA recommends bathing your dog at least every three months. How often and when you clean your dog’s paws, however, is up to you. It is a good idea to check his/her paws weekly, depending on the season and level of activity. Consider adjusting your dog paw cleaning schedule to fit his/her needs.

For example, if you and your four-legged friend frequently go hiking, you may need to check and clean his/her paws after every hiking trip. If your pooch, on the other hand, enjoys spending time indoors, you can clean his/her paws every other week. Generally, it never hurts to clean them every day.

Final Tips To Remember

As we’ve outlined so far, cleaning your dog’s paws is not too much trouble. Here are some of our final tips to

  • Ready all the cleaning supplies, such as dog shampoo, dog wipes, dog towels, and anything else you
    usually use before cleaning.
  • Use a toy or treat to lure your dog into the tub or cleaning area.
  • Use a cleaning mat to prevent your dog from tracking dirt into your house.
  • Ensure the water is lukewarm and use apple cider vinegar or white vinegar to treat smelly paws.
  • Use cleaning mitts to scrub away bacteria and dirt when washing the paws.
  • Use a balm after cleaning to keep their paws healthy.
  • Make sure to wipe your dog’s paws after each walk.
  • Use coconut oil mixed with apple cider vinegar for cracked paws.

There are few things that will stop your dog from wanting to run around outdoors. As you know, whether it is dusty outside, raining, or snowing, you will still have to let your dog out to do their business. If you follow this guide and clean their paws as we suggested, they’ll be clean and healthy after each outing.