In the simplest of terms, hyperkeratosis is an idiopathic condition that includes excessive growth on the skin. Even though its origins are unknown, it does not mean it is a non-serious issue that can be ignored. Idiopathic cases merely refers to the fact that it doesn’t directly correlate to an underlying disease; not necessarily its potential repercussions.
As it pertains to dogs, hyperkeratosis is primarily prevalent on the nose and paws. There are countless reasons as to why it arises, and all have specific pitfalls if left untreated. Skin growth is abnormal in the sense that too much keratin is being produced by the body. This seems like an inconsequential occurrence at face value, but in reality, it can be a sign that more serious ailments may soon follow.
Even if your canine is one of the lucky ones to not have extreme levels of hyperkeratosis, it is still something that requires a remedy for normal cognitive function, especially in relation to the snout.
What Are Some Of The Dog Nose Hyperkeratosis Symptoms?
Corns or calluses are an immediate indicator that you may be dealing with this type of situation. Thickened skin is always a flag that should raise awareness, especially if the aftermath is creating blisters and scaly patches that are red.
Dried, crusty noses are routinely exhibited, which notifies the owner that protein is being generated beyond normal capacity. While this should not cause alarm or panic, it is something that ought to be monitored with regularity. If your animal is exposed to the elements for extended periods, the symptoms will be easier to spot.
Is There A Difference Between Nasal Hyperkeratosis And Paw Hyperkeratosis?
To avoid confusion, it should be pointed out that hyperkeratosis is sometimes referred to as nasodigitalis. In comparing the types between the nose and paws, there are very few differences, however both can be equally as cumbersome to your pet. For example, when a dog’s nose is brittle and rough due to hyperkeratosis, their sense of smell dramatically decreases.
Of all the senses animals utilize, smell is almost always the most important for the recognition of owners/strangers or the processing of a situation, pregnancy, and differentiating between friend and foe with other pets. When dogs’ noses are dried out, it is akin to humans not being able to breathe properly or identify what scents are in front of them.
Hyperkeratosis of the paws is the same in that they both show the growth of too much keratin, but the outcome is slightly different. On feet, scaly, thickened paws can lead to pain and in some instances arthritis when a dog’s walking becomes unnatural as a result of the condition.
What Kinds Of Breeds Are Susceptible To Nasal Hyperkeratosis?
While it is more or less universally understood that hyperkeratosis affects almost all animals with feet and noses, certain breeds are more predisposed to it when it comes to their type of snout.
There is evidence that
- Cocker Spaniels,
- Bulldogs,
- Mastiffs,
- Pomeranians,
- Collies
- Boxers
are just a few on the extensive list of family types that display this condition more than others. That said, it is neither here nor there regardless of what gene pool your canine is derived from, since the setbacks and discomfort it causes are non-discriminatory.
Why Hyperkeratosis Should Not Be Ignored
Because hyperkeratosis is not life-threatening, it is frequently pushed aside as not being an ailment that is serious in nature. This is a mentality with little foresight because it fails to see the big picture. Crusty noses stuff the nasal cavity and limit breathing. Moreover, excess keratin that formulates disrupts the level of cognition a dog can maintain in any given situation. Since a dog’s scent is their ‘guide,’ it is critical to eradicate the negative components to hyperkeratosis in a swift fashion.
Besides very concerning things like arthritis stemming from compromised paws, cracked snouts are more prone to pick up diseases. A moist nose serves as a ‘guard’ that filters harmful toxins and agents in the air (be it from smoke, household cleaners, or otherwise). Additionally, the moisture defends against common allergies pertaining to pollen or spores. Hydration of the skin procures a better immune response when necessary.
According to veterinarians, nasodigitalis can serve as a roadmap to other issues that may be circumventing your dog’s well being. Its presence can indicate there is not enough zinc in your companion’s diet, which is a type of responsive dermatosis. Leishmaniasis is an illness that also traces to hyperkeratosis. It is a parasitic disease that owners should be particularly aware of in tropical regions around the globe. However, perhaps the most troublesome correlation is between this condition and pemphigus foliaceus; an autoimmune disease you obviously want your furry friend to avoid.
The Remedy For Dog Nose Hyperkeratosis
When a dog’s nose is brittle and cracked, several pet owners provide solutions like air purifiers in an attempt to raise their quality of life. While these efforts should be applauded, balms are a much more cost friendly solution that is far more effective anyway.
Paws and Snout Premium Protection Balm is a game-changer for troubled noses because it makes an immediate positive impact in three ways: it soothes, it restores, and it regenerates. It is a triple threat that is sure to improve your pooch’s appearance and cognition in a matter of minutes. This goal is accomplished through a potent concoction of ingredients that are all natural and pure, including shea butter and vitamins A, E, and F. In unison they create a cooling sensation on the nostrils that seals open cracks and revitalizes the membranes in your dog’s snout. It can be applied numerous times a day as well as year round, so your loved one will never have to suffer from the condition’s negative attributes.
Why Is A Natural Solution Of The Utmost Importance?
Just like what we put into (and on) our bodies, ingredients remain the most vital piece to a positive outcome. This is especially imperative for dogs, since their noses are so intricate and make up the majority of their decision-making prowess. A natural balm is integral to full restoration not only due to its healing properties, but also because it does not bring potentially harmful additives into the fold your canine may be allergic to.
Paws and Snout Premium Protection Balm assures that it is also safe for an animal to digest. Dogs routinely lick their paws and noses, which causes them to have bouts of vomiting and diarrhea when using unnatural solutions. Since only delicate elements are incorporated in its creation, these become non-issues during and after application. Because of this, petroleum jelly and over the counter ointments like Neosporin are not a recommended path to take.
How Long Until You See Positive Results On Your Dog?
The luxury of having a balm like our Paw and Nose Balm at your disposal is that it begins to work at a rapid rate. Cooling and soothing elements are immediate, whereas the regenerative restoration properties take only a matter of hours. Consistent application over the course of a day, months or years promotes the healthiest (and happiest) loved one you could hope for.